
Dear friends!

We are pleased to present you the next issue of our specialized journal – “Chamber of Arbitrators”.

We have traditionally collected the most relevant articles on international arbitration in Russian and English. Today on our pages you will be able to get acquainted with the possibilities of choosing an arbitration institution and place of arbitration, which is of particular importance in the current geopolitical “turbulence”, with the procedure for judicial protection against abuse of arbitration and settlement agreements.

Our authors will also offer you solutions to legal problems related to the enforcement of arbitration awards and talk about the return of virtual assets in the dynamic world of the Internet.

We are confident that the materials in our journal will be of practical use.

The editors of the Chamber of Arbitrators express gratitude to all our authors, and encourage you, dear readers, to share with us your personal experience, which may turn out to be a solution to those, at first glance, insurmountable tasks facing our colleagues around the world.

The contect of the journal can be found on the link.

We are pleased to present you the next issue of a specialized publication – “Chamber of Arbitrators”, dedicated to issues of international arbitration.

This issue traditionally contains articles in Russian and English, both from prominent arbitration practitioners from Belarus, the CIS countries and abroad, as well as materials from authors just starting their journey.

The central theme of the issue is current aspects of the conduct of arbitration proceedings, as well as the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in China. The articles on the impact of sanctions on arbitration, the written form of an arbitration agreement, consolidation of cases and the plurality of contracts in arbitration are relevant and interesting.

Of particular interest is the article by Mohamed Mahayni on the challenges facing arbitration in the application of law. It seems that the third issue of the journal has once again turned out to be relevant and versatile.

The contents of the issue can be found by following the link.

We invite you to read and look forward to new author's materials!

Dear friends!

We are pleased to present you the second issue of the specialized journal "Chamber of Arbitrators", dedicated to the problems of international arbitration.

This issue has already traditionally collected articles in Russian and English, both by prominent arbitration practitioners in Belarus, the CIS countries and abroad, as well as materials by authors who are just starting their way.

One of the most topical articles in the issue is the article from the representative of the UNCITRAL Secretariat, Judith Knieper, dedicated to the latest UNCITRAL developments in the field of expedited arbitration and mediation.

A number of fascinating articles in the new issue cover topical issues of investment arbitration in the Asian region. Of particular interest are practically applicable recommendations on the drafting of arbitration agreements and the selection of arbitrators to adjudicate a dispute.

We are also glad to welcome on the pages of our journal the presentation of our partners - the Tashkent International Arbitration Center and invite other arbitration institutions to post up-to-date information about their activities on the pages of our publication.

It seems that the second issue of the journal turned out to be quite interesting and able to satisfy the most diverse tastes of fans of international arbitration.

Content of the issue you can find here.

Good reading!

Dear friends!

We are glad to inform you of the establishment by the Chamber of Arbitrators of a specialized journal, dedicated to international arbitration.

The editorial staff of the "Chamber of Arbitrators" journal hopes that our materials will contribute to the wide popularization of arbitration in society, the promotion of arbitration science and practice, and the formation of a pro-arbitration business community.

The first issue contains articles by both prominent arbitration practitioners of Belarus and the CIS countries, and materials by authors who are just taking their first steps on the field of arbitration battles.

We plan to publish articles in Russian, Belarusian and English, and already in this issue you can familiarize yourself with one of the first English-language articles on arbitration in China.

We invite all professionals and amateurs of international arbitration to read, constructively criticize and send their materials to our editorial office, which may be invaluable to your colleagues from all over the World.

Link for download - Chamber of Arbitrators - Issue №1